Thenx 4.24 Apk Premium latest

Thenx 4.24 Apk Premium latest is a Health & Fitness Android app

Download last version Thenx Apk Premium For Android with direct link

Thenx is a Health & Fitness android app made by Thenx that you can install on your android devices an enjoy !

Thenx is designed to teach anyone the secret techniques and knowledge of bodyweight training. These programs have been tested and developed over many years by professional instructors and athletes to provide the most direct and simplistic format to excel in calisthenics fitness and ability. In these programs you will face challenges, but the skills and abilities that you will develop through proper guided progression is obtainable by anyone from any age or any fitness level. The content provided is designed in short video format with the purpose to convey the techniques and exercises at your own pace, ensuring proper form to be easily repeated, personalizing your workout experience.

Thenx Apk

Thenx Apk

Whats New:

* You’ll be able to continue the workout you’ve started if the app was closed while in background
* More powerful comments: @mention people, reply in comments, edit and delete your comments
* Looking for someone specific? Now you can search for users!
* Workout time can now be changed when completing a workout
* You can tag someone into your activity to let them know you’ve trained
* Various bug fixes and improvements